Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tuesday Nights Done Right: The Social Network

A pretty big crowd for an event on a Tuesday night
It's a new year and the Student Activities Board has a new game plan for attacking boredom at UPG: Tuesday Nights...Done Right!  The new idea is to have fun and interesting events on Tuesday nights because they typically tend to be the most boring, I assume.  I hate to be an asshole over wording, but were Tuesday nights done wrong in the past?  If so, then why have they all of a sudden decided to do them right? I get that they're providing entertainment on a lame day of the week but I can't stop laughing over little things like this.

The lineup for this month is "Say What? Karaoke" which was last week, tonight they showed "The Social Network", next week there will be "Old Skool Dodgeball" and on Feb. 1 there will be many intense games of BINGO.  Aside from the lame MTV show that was canceled when I still thought Pok'emon was kool, they all seem entertaining.  Now that we're on the subject, lets talk about tonight's movie.

It's not surprising that a movie that has grossed $94, 077, 470 and just recently won four Golden Globe Awards for best drama, director, screenplay and score would attract a crowd.  About 40 students showed up to watch the "The Social Network" in the warm and dry Ferguson Theater.  Raffle tickets were also given out to all who attended for a chance to win a Social Network poster, one before the movie and one afterward.  When the movie was over everyone got up and made there way out and didn't seem to care about a poster that I'd only want to hang up if there was something more ugly on my wall like a hole or blood stains.  So did anyone win the second poster? I'm not sure because  I just wanted to get the hell out of that theater like everyone else. 

A lucky student receives her poster
On to the actual movie, this isn't a review. "The Social Network" was good...what else can I say about a free movie? The sound in the theater was okay and broke up on a few ocasions but it didn't ruin the movie.  The computer that hosted the movie had an alert pop up that reminded all of us that there was an update for iTunes and Safari and momentarily interrupted the picture. It remained on the dim screen for a couple of minutes until someone was able to to run up and close the pop-up windows.  The minor technical difficulties really were't that big of a deal and I don't feel like I missed anything but it was a little annoying that little things like that came up.

I found that me and my girlfriend were the only people to laugh at many of the little jokes in the movie.  Maybe our laughs drowned out the laughs of others, maybe no one else got them or maybe we are the only people comfortable enough to laugh out loud for real instead of through a text message. LOL. 

I think it's awesome that SAB was able to show a really popular movie on campus a week after it was released on DVD.  The only down side was the lame poster raffle...I'm sure someone wanted them but people like me could care less about a posters.  Still, it was a good time.
As tickets are drawn students can't wait to leave
Photos by: C.J. Simpson

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